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03 July 2012

NM Snaps: Kimm Wiens

TiL is especially pleased to present the third installment of NM Snaps, featuring the work of photographer and artist Kimm Wiens. Wiens was the first photographer to contribute to Things in Light and has created a couple of wonderful photographic slideshows for us in the past. Enjoy Wiens' exploration of mushroom magic in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains here and her photographic ode to winter in Nuevo Mexico here. Wiens captured the above photo of the Needle rock formation in the Sandia Mountains. Scroll on to read the artist's statement Wiens sent to TiL and see more of her sublime work.

"New Mexico's abundant open space, volcanoes and mountain ranges are generally quiet still places where the sound of birds and leaves quaking are all you're likely to hear.  My photographs are journal entries of my meditations in these quiet places. Aside from occasional cattle fences or trail markers, there is nothing man-made here; a world overflowing with mysterious beauty, scents and sounds.  I spend most spring and summer weekends meandering up in the high mountains with my camera focused on trees, rocks, mushrooms, flowers, bugs, birds and other critters.  After the first snows, I switch to the foothills and otherworldly beauty of NM's many badlands.

Originally from Northern California, I've lived happily in New Mexico (Santa Fe, Abiquiu, Taos and Albuquerque) for most of the last 22 years.  After a brief jaunt in Washington state in the last decade I'm back in the Land of Enchantment with new knowledge that New Mexico is Home."

See more of Wiens' photos here and check out her drawing and video art here.

Half-frozen pine tree at the crest of Mount Taylor (Tsoodzil)

Moth and Butterfly on a Sneezeweed in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains

Mushroom hunting: Porcini and hand-forged mushrooming blade. (Blade by Raven Rob)

Wild grasses on the Rio Grande


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