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28 June 2012

NM Snaps: Bradford Erickson

The second installment of TiL's Nuevo Mexicano photography series, NM Snaps, features the work of student and artist Bradford Erickson. Erickson is currently studying Art Education at both CNM and UNM. Read Erickson's statement to TiL about his art below.

"I am fascinated by the act of making marks, be it paint on canvas, charcoal on paper, a line etched in copper, or a figure pecked into patinated volcanic rock. Like countless others, I respond to an inner, primal urge to assert my presence and, in leaving my mark, rationalize my existence in an turbulent and confusing world. I am not interested in capturing the real, but rather share my interpretation of the world I inhabit. My work, whether it is sculptural or two-dimensional, reflects the joy, guilt, and fear I experience, and it is through the process of constructing these works that I find release.

Much like the way children develop unique personalities, independent of their parent's guidance, I let my artwork grow and develop in response to circumstance; while I try to exert control over the
processes I work in, I account for 'artistic anomalies' and allow organic forces to exert their influence on my work. In this way, I allow the work to develop its own energy, instead of trying to force myself into it and, by doing so, allow my work to stand on its own.

I like to drink coffee on most days, and beers on most evenings, and love drawing in charcoal. I was born in Shawnee, Kansas, conceived on the grass lawn at a Styx concert in late September 1982. Recently, I've found inspiration in the works of Edward Hopper, H. Joe Waldrum, and Edouard Manet, and have been occupied with the process of synthesizing these artists influence into a series of digital 'paintings' which are currently on display at Blackbird Buvette."

Scroll on to enjoy more of Erickson's photography. Visit the Baadford Photography Facebook page to view even more of his work.


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