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13 April 2015

Things in Light Poetry Series 2015: Sasha Perrin

Things in Light is a nuevomexicano arts & culture blog with substantial superpowers, including the ability to locate wildly talented writers within the aether and present them to our readers; our proprietary, quasi-mystical transmission devices use electricity to light upon, move, store and display thoughts originating from within human minds.
The poetry being unveiled in this year's series reps the prodigious talent that exists here in New Mexico. We begin with a poem by musician and writer Sasha Perrin, who now calls Burque home. With roots in a windswept land called Montana, Perrin considers relationships below. 

The life expectancy and overall concept of pets

As an owner of a turtle or a parrot, I would have to let something go.
Chickens and ducks and osprey live in indifferent periphery
Of what we let ourselves and each other become,
Tame to something, devoted to something more.

Comedy and shed tears
And who remembers what of any of it
But in absence of children
And those parrots and turtles who will outlive me
And laying in bed between two graceful beings
I wonder:
At what point in my life do I snap into a car wreck,
Or not get to say goodbye to everyone I love?

I don’t suppose any of us gets all of these opportunities,
But I know for certain that even in the smallest moment
One treasure keeps us afloat,
It’s personal.
And I have no idea what that looks like to anyone else
But without the luxury of waking up tomorrow,

What are we supposed to do…stand up against each other and wait until we die?

There’s no possible way we will ever agree with each other.
And it’s against the law to kill each other.  By the time I’m your age,
You will either be 34 years older than me, or you’ll be dead.

This is the concept of owning a dog or a cat.
I am a turtle.
I think of you often, but more often I avail myself to the spirit
In my life.
My dog.
My dogs in the past.
Seeing how death moves, either slowly over years or overnight.

Today, and in many recent yesterdays,
I’m wondering how we can go on like this:
Emotional, worried.
When are the Cubs going to win the world series?

Submissions for this year's Things in Light poetry series are welcome. Please send them to xicotenga.huitzilopochtli@gmail.com.


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