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05 July 2012

TiL Arts Pick: Funny Farm Reception at Small Engine

In the market for a non-bougie art opening to check out this weekend? TiL recommends attending the Funny Farm opening reception on Friday evening. Funny Farm features new painting work by locals Mark Beyer, Roman Lopez, and Luke Hussack. The reception starts at 6 p.m. at Small Engine Gallery (1413 Fourth SW) and the show runs through August 2, 2012. RSVP here.

Outsider comic artist Mark Beyer was the only artist other than RAW magazine founder/legendary cartoonist Art Spiegelman to be featured in every issue of '80s alt.comic publication RAW. Beyer produced cover art for John Zorn and the characters in Gregg Araki's The Doom Generation were loosely inspired by Beyer's Amy and Jordan. Beyer pairs his distinctive style with existentialist pathos and the resulting work is worth your consideration.

We're not familiar with Roman Lopez's work, but a Google search turned up this image, a cell phone pic of a painting of a sad-looking horse, a shining cross, and a scrolling message informing us that "Sometimes, a pony gets depressed."

Luke Hussack, a/k/a Brapola!, has consistently created work that impresses us. Hussack's done illustrations for local alt.weekly Alibi, made a slew of great fliers, and TiL editor Samantha Anne Carrillo's second-favorite t-shirt is a Brapola! print. Hussack serves as a member of the curation collective at Small Engine.

The opening will feature the aural accompaniment of Drake Hardin's Kayfabe Quartet. Hardin explained the project to TiL:

"There is a lot of live multi-instrumentalism, but I also use 4-track tape, a drum machine, and loops. It started as a recording project limited to four parts, but when I play live, I cut live samples of various personal favorite quartet musics: classic Coletrane, Ornette Coleman, Bartok string quartets, Crumb's Black Angels, Messiaen's Quatour pour le fin du temps, the Beatles, etc. If you hear it called a 'one-person quartet' or something like that, then those are not my words; it's more of a limiting factor for the project as a whole, which is based on the four-part layout of Tarot trump XXI, Le Monde, which represents the structure of the entire Tarot. Kayfabe Quartet is serially releasing 22 pieces, one for each Major Arcanum. With all that said, I do play live drums, guitar, clarinet, and electronics, often simultaneously in two's/three's, rarely four. Sometimes I switch the keys for guitar, maintaining four sections."


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