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30 July 2012

Things in Light Podcast #23: ∆Voltage Mix

Things in Light is pleased to present our twenty-third podcast, ∆Voltage Mix, featuring recordings by bands from New Mexico's present Pancakes!, Deadtown Lovers, Fort Hobo, Jonny Cats, Retard Slave, Knife City, The Grave of Nobody's Darling, and The Glass Menageries. See the full track listing below.

1. Pancakes! - Lipbiter
2. Deadtown Lovers - Sinking
3. Fort Hobo - Power Wolf
4. Jonny Cats - Vic Vega
5. Retard Slave - The Creation and Subsequent Revolt of Horseborg
6. Knife City - Crazy Arms
7. The Grave of Nobody's Darling - Kentucky
8. The Glass Menageries - Foxy


  1. Seminal Abq punk rock band Cracks in the Sidewalk


    1. http://thingsinlight.blogspot.com/2011/04/abq-mtv-flashback-film.html

  2. What a fun collection this was! Thanks for sharing your good taste.


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